Senin, 11 Juli 2011

Understanding Formats of Debate

To ensure proper conduct of the debates in a competitive setting, competitions usually enforce what is called a format. In collegiate level competitive debating, these formats are usually based on the debates conducted in a parliament, such as Australian Parliamentary, British Parliamentary, and Asian Parliamentary. Aspects regulated by a format include:

• number of teams in each debate;
• number of debaters in each team;
• duration of speeches
• order of speeches;
• roles of speakers (what is expected from each speaker);
• allowance/prohibition of interjections/interruptions;
• issues on making a definition of the motion;
• procedure, criteria, and marking scale for adjudication.
Explanation about the above aspects (especially concerning roles of speakers) will be dealt with in lectures about each format. This course emphasizes on elements that are common to competitive debating in any format.

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